Birth Stories
February 25, 2021

The surprise home birth

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Rebecca and Lee had already done classes with me for their first baby and joined me again for baby number two. 

“Our lovely little girl arrived last week, after an incredibly quick and easy labour.

We took part in a Hypnobirthing Plus course with Jenie at Empowered Bumps after doing some taster sessions during my first pregnancy.

I was 10 days past my guess date and had ‘dreamed’ I was in labour (and doing all my good hypnobirthing practice!). I woke up feeling slight cramps and told Lee that I thought things might be getting started. I had a nice long shower and suggested we take our little boy out for breakfast and soft play before arranging for grandparents to pick him up. I felt very calm and excited to meet our little girl.

As we were getting ready, I started to have slightly stronger ‘cramps’ that made me rely on my ‘up breathing’. I was convinced I was in very early labour and carried on with my morning. Lee, who noticed a change in my behaviour, encouraged me to call the hospital for advice as he thought I was further along than I realised. I agreed even though I thought he was making a fuss!

The midwife listened to me breathing through a surge and advised me to head in. We called Lee’s parents to come and get our little boy, while I had some toast and checked over the hospital bag.

Lee’s parents arrived about 20 minutes later, just as I had a strong surge and felt the need to get onto all fours. I suddenly felt my body push, my waters released, and I shouted to Lee that she was here! Lee’s mum helped me to lie back and retrieve my daughter from my leggings, which I didn’t have a chance to take off!

Our beautiful little girl was born on our kitchen floor, with a lovely pink colour and a healthy cry! Lee and his mum wrapped us both up in the contents of the airing cupboard and kept me calm while we waited for the ambulance to take us to hospital to be checked over. My little boy was happily pottering about with Grandad while all this was going on and got to meet his baby sister straight away.

While the labour didn’t quite go to our plan (no time to get the fairy lights out, and the playlist was more Paw Patrol than Enya!) I would not have had it any different. I was calm, I was able to breathe through any discomfort, and allowed my body to take the lead. Our little girl was born within two hours of me waking up, and half an hour of calling the hospital for advice.

I’m so glad that Lee and I took the course together. For me, I was able to practice and prepare the relaxation techniques to get me ‘in the zone’ to the point where I literally slept through much of my labour (and had to be convinced I was in labour!). For Lee, he had the confidence to read my behaviour and understand what stage of labour I was at – even if I was adamant we had ages!

It was an incredible, surreal experience and I genuinely think that we would not have had the same experience without the brilliant preparation we had with Empowered Bumps and The Calm Birth School”.