“Luchia Luna Iorini
the light of the moon and our lives

What an amazing and empowering adventure we have been on to welcome this little fiesty girl in to the world.
I hypnobirthed my way through a 58 hour labor which yep sounds traumatic but I can happily and honestly say I absolutely loved. THANKYOU to the amazing Jenie who had equipped us with lots of wonderful techniques I was able to embrace each surge. My birth space was filled with low lit fairy lights and calming music, positive affirmations. I moved, walked, we danced, we laughed, we ate, I did yoga poses, meditated, we did rebozo techniques, bathed used the birth pool, I even had facials and massages. We did it all ?
The 58th hour I knew something had changed and luchia had changed position. We confidentally decided to transfer to hospital which if you had of said to me before Hypnobirthing I would have been upset. But I had planned for this part incase it happened too.
After being monitored for a further 4 hours we knew Chia could not be delivered with out c section. I had an amazing team around me full of support and I was even guided calmly through meditations to prepare for the operation and callum was present the whole time.
All our wishes were met from slow delivery, delayed cord clamping, to immediate skin to skin, callum announcing the sex and cutting the cord and I was able to keep my placenta.
Luchia Luna Iorini arrived safely at 6.35am on 16.2.2019 weighing in at 6lbs 13
We cant imagine life without her and im so proud of our birth story and her little entrance into the world.
Thankyou so much Jenie for sharing your knowledge and guiding us X we couldn’t have done it with out you X”