Birth Stories
February 25, 2021

Informed and prepared

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Jessica said: 
“I started attending the Pregnancy relaxation classes with Jen when I was around 16 weeks pregnant. I had only just moved to the area and this was my first Pregnancy, so everything was new to me and after reading all the positive reviews online I decided to give it a go. Jen made me feel at ease straight away and I loved getting to chat to other Mummys to be. Each week I looked forward to the class and after each session I got the best nights sleep!

On the 21st March I went into hospital at 8am to be induced. Since I knew about the induction a few days before I began to prep and get in the right mindset. I had my affimation board’s around the house which both me and Lee had made during the hypnobirthing course. (His warrior affimation still makes me laugh to this day!)

Luckily we did not need to be induced and during the check I was already 3cm dilated. Although not everything went exactly as planned we were able to draw upon all the techniques and information we had learnt off Jen. Lee was the perfect birthing partner. His support, massages, positive affirmations and reminders of the breathing techniques we had been taught kept me going.

We cannot thank Jen enough for her support throughout the months. Without all the information she gave us we would have been lost with what to do during the labour and what to expect. We both felt ready and prepared for whatever was thrown at us as we could not wait to meet our baby. Miss Felicity Mary Gordon was born at 22:18 weighing 8lbs 10oz.

Me and Felicity are now looking forward to joining Jen for baby massage”