So I decided to do Jenie’s hypnobirthing class with my second pregnancy as with my first baby I had a unplanned Caesarean so I knew second time round another one was quite possible. Although I did want a vbac things changed at the hospital so I decided not to go ahead with that and to opt for a caesarean.
In the lead up to birth I did the pregnancy relaxation classes which were the best preparation for me and gave me chance to practice my breathing and relaxation techniques.
Every night before bed I would listen to hypnobirthing tracks whilst I fell asleep and would practice my breathing. I also read the calm birthing book which I found really informative.
The hypnobirthing class that I did with my husband was a brilliant way to get him to see he was an important part of the birth and how to support me.
I made positive birth affirmations and put them all around my house so that even when I made a drink I would see it and it would make me think it. I also did a positive birth affirmations board which had pictures of my other child on and happy moments in my life and this was probably the main thing that helped me during the actual caesarean itself.
When I was in hospital and told them I was doing hypnobirthing all the staff were really supportive. They loved my affirmations board and I took it into theatre with me and they positioned it where I could see it. My nerves did get the better of me at one point, but I just focused and did my breathing techniques which really helped me calm down and took my mind off the situation.
I can honestly say it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life second time round. I felt more in control of everything and I had the confidence to speak out and make decisions myself where as first time round I just did as I was told and although it probably wouldn’t have gone any different I felt better about everything this time round mentally.
Emily is such a chilled out little girl and I really believe that my hypnobirthing throughout my pregnancy and birth has something to do with that!