Aimee said: “I was fortunate to have a pretty straightforward pregnancy and I was generally feeling very positive throughout butI was keen to ensure I also remained positive for the birth and being a first time mum, I wanted to make sure that I didnt go into labour feeling frightened about what was to come.
So, I attended Jenie’s hynobirthing classes and took part in pregnancy yoga. I read some books about pregnancy and birth, watched postive birth videos, read positive birth stories, listened to relaxation and hypnobirthing tracks and practised breathing techniques, as advised by Jenie. At 38+6 i attended an appointment with my midwife, she was concerned that my bump hadnt grown since my previous appointment two weeks earlier so arranged for me to undergo a growth scan the following day.
At exactly 39 weeks I had a growth scan which determined that baby was growing fine. However, the amniotic fluid surrounding my baby was below average. I was immediately sent to the maternity assessment unit where they tested if my waters had broken, the test came back negative but as the amniotic fluid was low, the doctor was concerned that my placenta may have stopped working correctly and they therefore recommended that I was induced before 40 weeks, to minimise risks to babys health. I considered my rights but agreed to the induction at 39+2. However, I asked if I could have a sweep first to see if we could get baby moving before the induction. They categorised my pregnancy as “high risk” and therefore, I was no longer able to birth at the birth centre.
I was in the assessment unit on my own due to covid and having to make these decisions without my husband (Gary), I found it difficult and I was becoming anxious about babys health and the need for an induction. However, I used my breathing techniques which really helped to calm me down during my time in the maternity assessment unit.
The next day, I was feeling nervous so I had a zoom catch up with Jenie, who quickly reassured me that my birth experience could still be a positive one. I am really grateful for Jenies extra support at this time.The sweep didn’t have much effect so at 39+2 I went into hospital for a planned induction.
I had printed some positive birth affirmations and photos for the car so I looked over these on the way to the hospital, whilst listening to my playlist “chilled labour”. I was really calm on the journey due to this.Upon arrival at 2pm, I was hooked up to the monitor. Babys heart rate was very high and was not coming down so the induction was placed on hold and I was monitored for a number of hours, I was told if babys heart rate did not come down, I would need a c section. It was stressful to hear that baby was possibly in distress but I remained calm using breathing and relaxation techniques and looking over my positive birth affirmations. Fortunately, babys heart rate went back to normal a few hours later, after close monitoring and IV fluids.The doctor carried out a VE at approx 5pm and I was 1cm dialated, she performed a further sweep to see if we could get things moving on their own.
By 9pm nothing had happened so the gel was inserted and induction process began. I was to wait 6 hours for the gel to have any effect. My husband had gone home by this point as visiting was 10am-6pm due to covid. I watched a few “feel good” films whilst bouncing on the birthing ball and then tried to get some sleep, using my lavender eye pillow as a mask and to keep me relaxed.
At 3am I was due to have another VE but it had been decided that instead, when a space came available on the delivery suite, I would be taken to have my waters broken. By 7am the next morning I was still waiting to go to the delivery suite, I spent the morning bouncing on my ball and listening to my playlist, which I had created with “feel good” music. Unfortunately, due to other emergencies, I was not able to go to the delivery suite until 2pm. A further VE was carried out and I was 2cm dialated.
The midwife made an attempt to break my waters and we waited until 6pm to see if it had any affect but nothing had happened so I started on the hormone drip. Things progressed from there and my waters broke whilst I was in labour. I used my tens machine mainly and a few hours later had some paracetamol and then gas and air. The contractions were intense by this point and very close together and I was 3cm dialated. I was so tired that I was nodding off in between comtractions!
I was offered an epidural so I could sleep and prepare myself to push. I weighed up my other options but decided it was the best option for me, so that I could conserve my energy for pushing! The epidural went in at time approx 10.30pm and I was due for a further VE at 3am. At approx 12.30am decided to bring the VE forward due to babys heart rate dropping. They confirmed I was 10cm and ready to push. I had stopped topping up the epidural so could feel my contractions and was able to push.
My birth board was positioned right in front of me which I feel helped to keep me “in the zone”. As babys heart rate was dropping, I required a kiwi vaccum delivery and a episiotomy to get baby out quickly so 50 minutes later, our beautiful baby boy was here! Oliver Deacon born at 2am on 18.12.2020 weighing 7lb9oz.
Despite a few minor complications and concerns along the way, I genuinely feel like I was in control, calm and focused throughout and I do not believe I would have been without Jenie’s hypnobirthing course. The tips Jenie gave us made what could have been a stressful labour and birth, a positive one.
Gary also felt that the techniques learned really helped us both along the way. Gary felt more assertive and prepared to ask questions when needed due to everything we had learned on the course. We would 100 percent recommend Jenies hypnobirthing course.”Can’t wait to see you guys again soon at baby classes.If you want to prepare for birth like these guys get in touch. Jenie xx